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Improve recycling rates and reduce costs, with a waste audit

During the past two decades, new legislation, commercial pressures and public perception have forced all waste producers, industrial, commercial and domestic – to rethink their disposal routes. As a result, a new culture of “Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Refuse” has spread throughout the country.

At Highlander, we are delighted to see more and more companies embrace these changes. More and more are making recycling a central part of their companies’ culture and objectives.

If you want to make the change but are not sure where to start, our recycling specialists can help! We will carry out a comprehensive waste audit. To help you increase recycling across all types of waste materials generated by your business.

While we are predominantly a paper and wood recycling company, we understand all waste streams, including plastic, metal and residual waste. We will carefully examine all waste materials generated. We look at volumes, how they are handled and collected internally, how they are contained or batched and finally, disposed of.

Once we consider all of these factors, we provide you with a comprehensive audit report, which analyses your current processes and provides recommendations, on how to improve your entire waste and recycling strategy and operations.

Our waste audit service is free of charge and can help maximise your recycling output, reduce waste collection costs, all while having a positive environmental impact – it’s win, win, win!

Find out more about other companies we have helped in our case studies, or arrange an audit at or call 01355 524215.

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