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Highlander Training Day – September 2015

Highlander have been long term buyers of recovered paper from Belfast based Bryson Recycling for a decade. As part of the ongoing improvement program between our organisations, a material quality training session was arranged and performed on 14th September.

In conjunction with Marc Wyer of Reparco, who represents the mill who buys the bulk of the material from Highlander, a training document and practical session was organised and involved both Bryson plant supervisors and main forklift drivers who are at the sharp end of the quality operations in terms of assessing bales of paper which come off the production line as either being suitable as a News and pam 2 grade, or as is the case sometimes being classed as a mixed paper grade.

The training itself consisted of 45 minutes theory and discussions of the main quality criteria of moisture levels and contamination and then 30 minutes of practical training discussing the assessment of bales and what the should be classed as ergo, which grade they are.

All parties concerned thought the training was a success and the aim is to improve the quality of the material supplied to the mill and to provide further education to staff involved in the day to day paper recycling operations at Bryson.

Stephen Duffy commented: “The training need was identified as an important part of Bryson staff education and development and I was delighted to draw up a training document for the staff which we covered during our on-site session. The day was a distinct success and the document will be used by Bryson for all refresher training and for any new staff that are directly involved in the final assessment procedure of recovered paper qualities”

For further information on this service or any other of our services please contact Stephen Duffy at 01355 524 215 or Stephen@

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