Recycling has become ever more important in the current climate due to worries surrounding deforestation, waste and carbon dioxide emissions. This blog aims to outline the reasons why recycling your paper and cardboard should be a priority of yours!
Paper waste recycling helps the environment
Recycling lessens the need to cultivate, gather, or mine fresh raw materials from the planet. As a result, less harm is caused to the environment, including, river rerouting, injury or displacement of wild species, and decreases in water, soil, and air pollution.
Stopping Deforestation
When we recycle instead of making new cardboard and paper it means we’re not cutting down more trees. More than half of the land-based plant and animal species on the planet live in forests. They are essential to the effort to combat global warming. Around 300 million people actually live in forests, and more than a billion people rely on them for their livelihoods. To put in perspective of how quickly we are destroying the forests on Earth, we are doing so at a rate of around one football field every two seconds. You can learn more about this on the WWF website!
Cardboard recycling impact on carbon emissions
Paper recycling uses 70% less water and energy than growing new trees to make paper. One tonne of recycled paper prevents the felling of 17 trees and frees up 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space.
Recycling paper aids in lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
Paper mills are among the biggest pollutants in the industry because they employ harmful chemicals. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas and one of the primary contributors to climate change is released into the atmosphere as paper breaks down underground.
By avoiding the usage of these damaging paper mills, paper recycling may cut air pollution by up to 74%.
Why paper shredding is green
Paper shreds are simple to recycle. Packs of paper shreds may be picked up from the office and processed straight into pulp form, bypassing the shredding step once more. By doing this instead of recycling paper on a bigger scale, immediate energy savings are produced.
Paper shredding may be a very environmentally favourable action if a company’s activities depend on the use of paper in large quantities. A tonne of recycled paper saves roughly 17 trees on average!
Paper that has been shredded in a fantastic composting material. Biodegradable garbage is included in green waste, and shredded paper from brown waste improves the soil’s qualities by reducing mould and odour! This demonstrates the ways in which shredding paper can be a green way to begin the recycling process.
At Highlander Security Shredding we understand the importance of both affordable and green shredding. If you have any questions regarding our recycling process please contact us!